Jackytex was born in the heart of Tuscany, among Florence, Arezzo and Siena, at the beginning of the 70s, by a brilliant entrepreneurial intuition that meant to transform Jersey, a product considered worthless and poor look, into a noble fabric with multiple expressive potentials. This way all Jackytex products were created, knit fabric never conceived before and still today they maintain their unmistakable character of uniqueness and exclusivity. Over the years the company evolved and was updated, still maintaining its first winning spirit: team work as laboratory base and collaboration as method. Jackytex is now led by the Giachi family (third entrepreneurial generation) who, closely cooperating with management, is directly involved in company evolution. In the international field of knit fabric, Jackytex brought an essential contribution made of creativity and innovation. Its unique mark can also be found in the kind of product, much requested by the world of fashion and well lined up with the ultimate technologies. The particular care dedicated to design, weaving process and ennobling confers all Jackytex product a remarkable aspect and craftmanship.