eco industry

Tessitura Attilio Imperiali
I-22075 Lurate Caccivio (CO)Via S. Carlo, 10

About us

The company springs from a long family tradition begun in the early twentieth century by Attilio Imperiali and then continued by his son Marco, his grandson Attilio, and carried on today by Alessandra and Claudia, who manage the company. Until the Fifties, the company entrusted its looms to weavers who, working at home, produced the different fabrics and delivered the ordered pieces of material. After careful inspection, the pieces were sent to customers. In the early Sixties, at the height of the economic boom, Tessitura Attilio Imperiali “changed its skin” and built the first factory. The 8 looms owned by the company were withdrawn from the weavers’ homes and activity began on an “industrial” scale. Since then, it has developed constantly in terms of both the machinery used and the processes carried out, quality control and customer service. In the Nineties, the firm gave a strong boost to production due to the consolidation of its position on the market and to the increase of the turnover, related also to the general trend of the clothing and footwear sectors: during this period, the company was acknowledged as a leader in the sectors of reference that it still pursues today, thanks to the constant commitment of Marica Domanda, Attilio’s wife. The company currently operates on the market with two product lines in the segment of fabrics for clothing, as well as shoes and accessories. As regards clothing, Tessitura Attilio Imperiali operates in the luxury range, where there is a demand for refined products, workmanship that follows the trends, while quality and reliability are fundamental. In footwear, for over fifty years the company has been producing a fabric that is appreciated and used not only by shoe manufacturers, but also by great Italian and international designers: a satin known as “Raso Imperiali”. Starting from this product, a series of fine classic fabrics is developed. The renewal and acquisition of new looms is a constant feature in the company’s history. Today it works with 27 machines that allow the production of a vast range of products, special processes made on request and which, in particular, allow Tessitura Attilio Imperiali to take its place on the market as a company in step with the times, constantly seeking the best new technologies applied to industry and to textile production.


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