Always attentive to innovation, Ramponi has patented a new line of eco-sustainable products made from natural materials and embroideries with eco fibres.
For some years, Ramponi has adopted a cast-iron policy for improving the quality of its work and environmentally-friendly company bylaws. The company has drawn up a Corporate Social Responsibility policy based on environmental protection and safeguarding human resources and transparency in a bid to preserve its natural and social capital.
The company is particularly proud of its low-energy machinery and its energy-producing solar panels installed on all company buildings, to reduce its climate impact: emissions into the atmosphere are minimal and certified by expert bodies. All plastic production waste is recycled and reused on-site or sold on for recycling as second-grade materials.
As for its suppliers, Ramponi chooses to work with companies based in the vicinity of its own plants. Suppliers are assessed on the environmental impact of their production, with sustainable plants capable of converting emissions to energy for use inside the same plant. The policy implemented also extends to employees: the company has adopted in-house regulations to raise awareness of environmental themes, such as disposal of everyday waste, energy saving, and the use of paper and its derivatives, promoting offsetting and eco-friendly activities also with third parties.
The company is also investing in environmentally-friendly technologies, conducting research into materials that can be ecological without losing out on quality, which is the case with some metal alloys made from low-impact materials.