The world’s only ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices and sustainability certification for companies in the footwear production chain, Origem Sustentável (Sustainable Origin) celebrates its 100th participating company, between those already certified (80) and those in the preparation process (20). Thanks to this result, the certification now covers companies that account for about 50% of the national footwear production (over 870 million pairs).
The marketing and strategy manager of the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), Cristian Schlindwein, points out that Brazilian footwear industries are building on the ESG theme with strategies and implementation of practices. This statement is corroborated by data set out in the ESG chapter of the Footwear Industry 2024 Sector Report, produced by Abicalçados, which states that 88% of companies in the sector dispose of industrial solid waste in an environmentally appropriate way, through reuse, recycling or co-processing. In addition, the research highlights other important data to illustrate the increase in sustainability practices in the industry, such as: 68% of companies in the sector regularly monitor their suppliers for legal, environmental and social compliance; 74% of companies monitor restricted substances; 67% of companies use 100% renewable energy, whether purchased via the free energy market or through self-generation; 59% of companies have at least one line of sustainable products.
“Sustainability is a path of no return for this industry, which aims to stay competitive in an unstable and highly competitive, and often predatory, scenario,” underlines Schlindwein. When it comes to unfair competition, especially that promoted by Asian players, the CEO of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, assesses that the seal of the Origem Sustentável certification is another tool to boost competitiveness.
“In an increasingly competitive market, especially with Asian manufacturers, taking action in compliance with human rights and environmental protection has become a way of demonstrating competitiveness. The three largest Asian players, China, Vietnam and Indonesia, for example, have not ratified important conventions related to working hours, wages or social policies. We need to spread the word that we are the country with the world’s most sustainable footwear industry. The global consumer needs to know that,” he adds.