according to Olimpias Fabrics

Face to face with Sustainability Team

What are the main steps you have taken towards sustainability?

Olimpias Fabrics Division is constantly committed to sustainability across the board. We promote products that use organic, recycled and low-impact raw materials and that meet extremely high standards for long-lasting and high-quality proposals. We continuously invest in new high-yield and energy-efficient machinery. We make improvements to processes to cut consumption. We regularly check the emissions and efficiency of the treatment plant in compliance with the strictest standards. We have just installed 900KW photovoltaic panels. We demonstrate our commitment to social sustainability by signing up to programmes such as BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) and CMIA (Cotton Made in Africa). Our supply chain is entirely within the Mediterranean Basin and 90% of processing takes place in the Triveneto region.

What is your approach towards eco certifications?

We feel that sustainability certification is entirely lacking. This creates a lot of confusion in the marketplace, where brands act autonomously with their own strategies and sustainable messaging, each putting their trust in different certification. Getting the ‘sustainable label’ has become an obsession. We feel it is essential to introduce a single sustainability certification or classification that can apply to all businesses/brands in the sector.

How do you communicate your ‘green’ policies?

Given that the DNA of Olimpias Fabrics Division is very productive, more inclined to substance than form, our green policy has always been conveyed to clients through product certifications and announcements on our company website. In the last few weeks, we have also launched a marketing campaign on the main social media channels.

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