
A proposito di

Let’s talk about

Shining a light behind the scenes of fashion. Focusing on textiles, fibres, yarns. leather and accessories, while not forgetting the people from the world of art, design and the fashion system. Also, news from the runways, new collections and international seasonal events. Every detail analysed by our expert editing team through its unique, exclusive superzoom.

Riflettori puntati sul dietro le quinte della moda. In primo piano i tessuti, le fibre, i filati, le pelli e gli accessori, senza dimenticare personaggi e protagonisti dal mondo dell’arte, del design e del fashion system. Inoltre news sulle passerelle, sulle nuove collezioni e sugli appuntamenti internazionali della stagione. Ogni dettaglio analizzato dal punto di vista privilegiato della nostra redazione attraverso il suo unico ed esclusivo superzoom.

Authentico® by Schneider Group
ready to move to next level

Traceability and authenticity in the wool world

Emmetex for Talents

Young designers experiment with Exuberantia line

Cariaggi at Pitti Immagine Filati 95

Autumn/Winter 2025.26 collection presented

The indefinite transitions
of Servizi e Seta

Autumn/Winter 2025.26 collection unveiled

Green Deal Leather:
updates from Brussels

Towards Zero Adverse Impact of the European Leather Industry

New appointment for Spin360

Italian company appointed by UNIDO to establish Leather Environmental Footprint Guidelines

A/W 2024.25 collections

Ecco cosa abbiamo notato sulle passerelle

A/W 2024.25 collections

Here’s what we noticed on the mfw catwalks

The time has come!

Vegetable tanned leather is a guarantee of sustainability

What’s new?

The brands to watch for A/W 2024.25

The Geography of Transformation

Fashion, Art and Sustainability

Piegavelox is speeding up

The research never stops

APLF’s return to Hong Kong
coincides with its 40th anniversary

Statement from David Bondi, Director of APLF and Senior Vice President at Informa Markets Asia

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