
Harsh warning against fast fashion

COTANCE, CEC, IFF and IWTO come together to defend naturally durable materials

Artificial intelligence in fashion

BibiUff’s digital creations

Sustainable Brand Platform: the innovative startup for the Fashion industry

A data intelligence platform dedicated to sustainability

Recovo: reuse,
recycling and upcycling

A positive impact on the planet

Zoom on Fashion Trends #70

Autumn/Winter 2023/24 – The discreet charm of the relativity

Rete Rubicone Moda: makers
join forces

New footwear sourcing portal now online

Zoom on Fashion Trends #69

Spring/Summer 2023, the revolutionary force of feelings

EXPO Modena always backs SMEs

Top quality consultancy and development

BrandOn Group on the rise

The digital company specialises in online sales

Maison Masters

The role of artisans in the luxury sector

FRI foundation for green fashion

New Punto Sostenibilità project launches

Superzoom – Fashion Forecasting

Discover how we can help your work!

The Style Lift

A premium textile archive

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